Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Nana's Visit- August 2010

Bed Bath and beyond

These are a few of Addison's favorite things...

Addison loves being outside (on the deck or anywhere). She also likes baths, mirrors, and the fan.

Addison's Scope

"They're going to do what to me Mommy?"

As many of you know Addison has had blood in her stool since she was a few weeks old. They have not been too concerned since she continues to grow. After months of a milk protein and soy diet for me, we were finally referred to a Pediatric Gastrointerologist. He put her on formula and the blood continued so he did a colonoscopy on 8/2. She was great that morning. Richland's Children's Hospital was excellent. I couldn't help but take pictures of Addison's little hospital gown and socks.


Grantham's 1st Birthday

July 4th

Addison made her first trip to Spinner's on the Fourth. She was wonderful and slept the entire time we were there while we enjoyed the beautiful weather on the lake. We also had a great time at the Taylor's BBQ and Addison slept through that too...even through the fireworks.


Grandma's 90th Birthday

Cousin Claire

Great Uncle Buddy and Great Aunt Midget

Cousin Lily...so cute


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome Home-May 2010

This was the outfit I also wore home from the hospital 30 years ago.

Addison this is your house and your dog Tippie...I am sure you will grow on her :)

Grandpa and Addison taking a nap together.

The lamb swing is Addison's favorite place to sleep.

Addison's Great Grandmother Nellie Adkins

Great Aunt Bonnie

Newborn Hospital Photos-May 2010

Brian is a proud new Daddy. Addison was born on Tuesday, May 25th, 2010 at 5:39 p.m. She weighed 9 lbs 2 ounces and was 2o 1/2 inches long. After a long day of induction and a little girl that didn't want to come out I had a c-section. We are so thankful to God for our sweet blessing and for a safe delivery. The little girl we prayed for is finally here!

Proud Grandparents

Grandpa Wood

Addison and Nana

...yes she looks exactly like Brian

Uncle Ricky, Aunt Sharon, Claire, Ethan, Avery and Lily.

This is a "Brian expression" that she somehow came out of the womb with. This is the same look he gives me when I say something crazy to him.